how it works

Unlock a new way to invest

Historically, only banks and institutional investors have been able to make money by investing in business and consumer credit. LifeMap Asset now opens this asset class to private investors and makes it accessible to everyone – no matter if you're an experienced investor or just starting.

LifeMap Asset was founded in 2005 and has since become one of the largest platform of its kind

On our global platform, you can invest and go to sleep, while we manage risk with various tools, and earn attractive returns. Take a step towards financial freedom with this investment opportunity that so many registered users around the globe are already loving.

The leading platform for digital and traditional investments

890 783+

Registered users

17 000 000+

Successful Transactions

$10 Billion+

Invested since 2005

Crypto-based investments on LifeMap Assets

LifeMap Asset is unique in the way that we don't move with the market trends – the investments are made based on professional experience.

Cryptocurrency companies provide alternative financing to individuals and small businesses. We check that the companies we work with based on extensive fundamental analysis, professional risk management, and a solid financial standing.

We help fund the projects and stand to gain the initial sales the company is getting from the project.

Choose your investment Plan

Choose from Our carefully thought out plans, designed to make life easy and profitable.

Earn returns on your investment

Your investments generate returns based on your selected plan and investment amount.

Accelerate your returns

Many investors choose to reinvest their returns so their money can keep working. Given enough time, earnings can grow exponentially thanks to the power of compound interest.